Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Moshi video I made!

Hello monsters,

Sorry I haven't been on for ages! Been too busy with my monster! (She can be very hard to look after at times!) Well as I was saying I made a video on movie maker last night and you guessed it, IT'S A MOSHI VIDEO! You see I'm not planning to put on youtube but you monsters get a peek of my video take a look!

Cool eh? Sorry I could not put any music but It was the best it could get! I hope you like it because I might just send it to moshi monsters!
Comment this blog and tell me what you think of my video!
Happy monstering!
Note: It may take some time to load.

Monday, September 5, 2011

New collection items!

Hello monsters!

Today I have something to tell you about! There is a new collection item! Pet Rox! Take a look at this pic!

 Cool eh? And the best part is that they sit and stay on your commend! I also have 2 pet rox, one is rover and one is spot! I could get used to this! Stay put for some more news at Moshi Monsters News Report!
And comment this blog and tell me which is your fave pet rox!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

7th misson is out now!

Hello Monsters,

This is a message for the super moshis! This just in that super moshis have a new misson 20,000 leauges under fur! Take a look at this intro!

I'll give you a small sneak peek of the misson. Elder Furi is sick! Can the super moshis save him?

If you're not a super moshi yet, click this to become a super moshi!

 Comment on this blog to tell me what you think will happen in the last misson!

BREAKING NEWS: Elder Furi is missing!

I have breaking news to report that Elder Furi is missing! Yes super moshis this maybe a sign that your last mission is coming very shortly! Take a look!
Isn't this very STRANGE?! This is not like Elder Furi! Does this mean super moshis will have to do the last misson on their own? Will my monster eat eye pie? WHAT! THIS ISN'T MY LINE?! Oh well.
Oh no I forgot to check my news! Comment on this blog what you think will happen in the last misson.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

When is the last misson coming?

Hello again monsters,

Yes, the question most of you are asking is: When is that last misson coming out?
Well I also want to know that too! As we all know it's coming soon like I gussed in the first post.  So when does it come out? I wanna know, you wanna, everyone wants to know that one answer! When do you think comes out? Comment this blog and tell me what you think.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New spa on oh la lane?!

Hey monsters,
Today I got a great surprise that a new spa is opening up later on at oh la lane. Take a look!
And look it has Trya's spa! That's where Gabbys cafe was! WOW! I also heard that maybe we can go inside once its finished! I just can't wait to give my monster a nice slopbath!
Well thats it for now! Heres the link to see my monster! www.MoshiMe.com/jazzy1019897

Friday, August 19, 2011


Super moshis we think we might be in danger! Today I noticed somthing very odd, I was going to replay the misson super moshiversty and I saw this on the map! Take a look!
This is very strange! The smoke is ment to be yellow not purple!
But I do have a thorie that it could have a connetion with someone with a strangeglove...
I also have another thorie that the seventh misson is coming out very soon.
Are these thories right? Is this smoke going to last for long?
Find out in the seventh misson later on!
And don't forget to comment!
Oh and here is the link/address to see my moshi: www.MoshiMe.com/jazzy1019897